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There are a lot of books dedicated to communication and verbal skills however I'd like to share my own experience here on the best practices I learned in my life. The most important part of communication which everyone is always paying attention to is sincerity. People will try to avoid a person who wears masks...
We always have a choice of to do or not to do certain things. To read or not to read a book, to go or not to go to a gym, to improve or not to improve. Some people think that when they reach certain level they no longer need improvements. They do what they do every...
Let's talk about the desire to be perfect. In fact there is nothing wrong in a desire to be the best. The wrong part is a desire not to "look as a looser". And there is a difference. In fact the last one is more directed towards a fear to be wrong and stand...
People like to postpone things for different reasons. Bad health, bad mood, or they are just afraid of something to happen. In other words either them or the situation right now is not perfect and doesn't allow them to proceed. But in fact most of the time they are afraid of nothing. Being...
Our society and community is built in a way that people are afraid to do some things which are not "generally appropriate". The reason of it is that humans are social creatures and we can't live without context of comparing ourselves to other people. However often such comparison is rather harmful than useful. Good...
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Hi my name is Anton. I'm an IT architect and a traveler. I'm very inspired by idea of being a better version of myself and want to share my inspiration and knowledge with others.

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